新关注 > 信息聚合 > 移动游戏《恶魔城:魂之魔导书》今日登陆Apple Arcade

移动游戏《恶魔城:魂之魔导书》今日登陆Apple Arcade

The mobile game "demon city: the guide book of the soul" landed on Apple arcade today

2021-09-17 11:59:42来源: 游戏时光

《恶魔城》系列衍生手游《恶魔城:魂之魔导书》(暂译,英文名:Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls)于 9 月 17 日(星期五)正式登陆 Apple Arcade 游戏库。科乐美也公开了本作的发售宣传片。视频地址本作采用了经典的横板动作闯关模式,并包含多种强化系统。阿鲁卡多、西蒙·贝尔蒙多、夏诺雅等著名角色均可登场。该作曾在 2018 年 4 月公布,随后于 2019 年 9 月在加拿大发售,登陆平台为 iOS / Android 。但官方在 2020 年宣布本作因多重原因而停服。2021 年 8 月,科乐美表示本作将在 Apple Arcade 上重新发售,游戏得以再次上架。来源:Konami/Apple Insider

Castlevania: grimoire of souls, a derivative mobile game of "demon city" series, officially landed in Apple arcade game library on Friday, September 17. Kelemei also released the promotional film for the sale of this work. Video address this work adopts the classic horizontal board action breakthrough mode, and contains a variety of enhancement systems. Arucardo, Simon Belmondo, shanoya and other famous characters can appear. The work was published in April 2018 and then sold in Canada in September 2019 on IOS / Android. However, the official announced in 2020 that the product was discontinued for multiple reasons. In August 2021, kelemei said that the work would be re released on Apple arcade, and the game could be put on the shelves again. Source: Konami / Apple insider

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