新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【福利】《孤岛危机 重制版》Steam版来了,正统续作会有的

【福利】《孤岛危机 重制版》Steam版来了,正统续作会有的

[welfare] the steam version of island crisis remake is coming, and there will be orthodox sequels

2021-09-17 13:37:10来源: 游戏时光

《孤岛危机 重制版》将于 2021 年 9 月 17 日北京时间晚 11 点登陆 Steam 平台,现在可以购买并下载。游戏首周特惠八折,原版《孤岛危机》的玩家可以 5 折的优惠购买重制版,如果玩家拥有《猎杀:对决》,还可通过同捆包享受额外折扣。视频地址 重制版游戏修复了版本早期的所有 BUG,并增加了对 DLSS 的支持,还整合了早期被阉割的“飞行关卡”。此外,重制版游戏在诸多场景细节、建造上都做了翻新和重造,枪械和战斗操作手感越变得更为扎实。《孤岛危机 三部曲》的重制版也即将推出,本系列的正式续作也会在不久的将来与广大玩家见面。福利时间在本文评论区聊聊你对正统续作的期待,你就有机会获得 Steam 版《孤岛危机:重制版》。

The remake of the isolated island crisis will land at 11 p.m. Beijing time on September 17, 2021 & amp; nbsp; Steam platform, which can now be purchased and downloaded. The first week of the game is a 20% discount. Players of the original island crisis can buy the remake at a 50% discount. If players have hunting: duel, they can also enjoy an additional discount through the same bundle. Video address

标签: Steam