新关注 > 信息聚合 > Switch OLED款式真机实拍图新鲜出炉

Switch OLED款式真机实拍图新鲜出炉

The real picture of switch OLED style is fresh

2021-09-19 10:55:20来源: 游戏时光

任天堂的 Switch OLED 款式近日首次公开展示,在日本的“Nintendo Tokyo”零售店和“Yodobashi Camera”等连锁店中都可以看到这款新主机的身影,不少网友纷纷在社交媒体上分享了真机的实拍图。来自推特网友 @bunnagashi 的实拍图:来自推特网友 @cvxfreak 的实拍图:来自网友 @nattu_ninmosa59 的实拍图:Switch OLED 款式将于 2021 年 10 月 8 日发售,售价 349.99 美元 / 2680 港币,想了解更多有关这款新机型的信息,可以查看这篇汇总。

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Nintendo's switch OLED style has been publicly displayed for the first time recently. The figure of this new host can be seen in Japan's "Nintendo Tokyo" retail stores and "Yodobashi camera" and other chain stores. Many netizens have shared the real photos of the real machine on social media. From twitter & amp; nbsp;@ Bunnagashi's real picture: from twitter user @ cvxfreak's real picture: from user @ nattu_ Actual picture of ninmosa59: the switch OLED model will be on sale on October 8, 2021 at US $349.99/hk $2680. For more information about this new model, please see this summary.

标签: Switch