新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《女神异闻录》25周年官方纪念壁纸,请查收~


Please check the official commemorative wallpaper for the 25th anniversary of the strange smell of goddess~

2021-09-21 09:38:34来源: 游戏时光

昨天是《女神异闻录》系列诞生 25 周年的纪念日,作为感谢活动的一环,官方放出了数张特别绘制的 PC 和手机壁纸,今年接下来还会陆续有庆祝 25 周年的纪念活动,敬请期待~

Yesterday was the 25th anniversary of the birth of the goddess series. As a part of the thank-you activities, the official released several specially drawn PC and mobile phone wallpapers. Next year, there will be commemorative activities to celebrate the 25th anniversary. Please look forward to it~

标签: 壁纸