新关注 > 信息聚合 > 动画《小林家的龙女仆》将改编为PS4和Switch游戏


The animated dragon maid of Kobayashi family will be adapted into PS4 and switch games

2021-09-23 06:38:57来源: 游戏时光

Bushiroad 宣布将把热门动画《小林家的龙女仆》改编为一款家用机游戏,游戏标题为《小林家的龙女仆 炸裂!!天真龙☆吐息》(小林さんちのメイドラゴン 炸裂!!ちょろゴン☆ブレス),预计将于 2022 年春登陆 PS4/Switch 平台。据官网描述本作将为一款融合飞行、射击、战斗于一身的超爽快射击游戏,由 Kaminari Games 负责开发。 来源:gamestalk

Bushiroad announced that it will adapt the popular animation "Kobayashi's Dragon maid" into a home computer game. The title of the game is "Kobayashi's Dragon maid explodes!! naive dragon ☆ spits out breath" (Kobayashi さんちのぽイドゴわわろゴわわブス). It is expected to land on the PS4 / switch platform in the spring of 2022. According to the official website, this work will be a super cool fast shooting game integrating flight, shooting and fighting, which is developed by kaminari games.

标签: 游戏 PS Switch PS4