新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《最终幻想》卡丁车竞速游戏《陆行鸟GP》2022年发售


"Final Fantasy" go kart racing game "land bird GP" will be released in 2022

2021-09-24 06:34:28来源: 游戏时光

SE 在任天堂直面会上公布了《最终幻想》主题卡丁车竞速游戏《陆行鸟GP》的宣传片,并宣布本作将于 2022 年登陆 NS 平台。玩家在游戏中可以选择拥有独特能力的角色,并在《最终幻想》主题的赛道上竞速,玩家可以在比赛途中收集各种属性的魔晶石来对其他玩家进行攻击。本作支持最多 64 名玩家一起游玩。视频地址

Se announced the promotional film of the final fantasy themed go kart racing game "land bird GP" at the Nintendo face-to-face meeting, and announced that the work will land on the NS platform in 2022. Players can choose characters with unique abilities in the game and race on the track with the theme of final fantasy. Players can collect magic crystals with various attributes during the game to attack other players. This game supports up to 64 players to play together. Video address

标签: 游戏 最终幻想