新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《猎天使魔女3》2022年发售,新实机演示公布


Angel hunting witch 3 will be released in 2022, and the new real machine demonstration will be announced

2021-09-24 07:10:24来源: 游戏时光

白金工作室放出了《猎天使魔女3》的最新实机演示,展示了贝姐的新造型和以多种能力与敌人战斗的场景,同时宣布本作将于 2022 年发售,登陆 NS 平台。此前任天堂曾表示,本作开发顺利。视频地址

Platinum studio released the latest real-world demonstration of angel hunting witch 3, showing sister Bei's new shape and the scene of fighting the enemy with a variety of abilities. At the same time, it announced that the work would be sold in 2022 and landed on the NS platform. Previously, Nintendo said that the development of this work was smooth. Video address