新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《斯普拉遁3》单人战役「哺乳类回归」预告公布


The preview of "return of mammals" in the single player battle of "spradun 3" was announced

2021-09-24 07:19:58来源: 游戏时光

任天堂于今日(9 月 24 日)的直面会上公开了多人射击竞技游戏《斯普拉遁3》(Splatoon 3)的全新预告视频,除了介绍多人模式下爬墙、骑乘等全新要素外,还公布了大量单人主线的情报,其中包括哺乳类生物重新出现在陆地上、章鱼敌人的长毛化(天妇罗化)、潮色姐妹的新造型、城市和火箭遗迹等内容。本作将于 2022 年登陆 Switch,支持简体中文。

Nintendo released a new preview video of the multiplayer shooting competitive game splatoon 3 at the face-to-face meeting today (September 24). In addition to introducing new elements such as wall climbing and riding in multiplayer mode, Nintendo also released a large number of intelligence on the single main line, including the re emergence of mammals on the land, the hairiness of Octopus enemies (tempura style) The new shapes of the tide sisters, cities and rocket relics, etc. This work will be published on 2022 & amp; nbsp; & amp; login year; nbsp; Switch, support simplified Chinese.