新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《Deltarune》第二章现已免费登陆Switch


The second chapter of deltarune is now available on switch for free

2021-09-24 08:18:58来源: 游戏时光

由独立游戏开发者 Toby Fox 制作的《Deltarune》已于 Switch 平台免费更新第二章内容。视频地址《Deltarune》讲述了人类 Kris 与朋友们共同冒险的故事。本作战斗基本继承了《地下传说》(Undertale)的系统,多半采用回合制。游戏中亦有智力游戏关卡与突发攻击事件。来源:Nintendo

Deltarune, produced by Toby fox, an independent game developer, has updated chapter 2 on the switch platform for free. The video address "deltarune" tells the story of human Kris's adventure with his friends. This battle basically inherits the system of underground legend, most of which adopts the turn system. There are also intelligence game levels and sudden attacks in the game. Source: Nintendo

标签: Switch