新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏工委联合213家单位发布《网络游戏行业防沉迷自律公约》


The game working committee jointly issued the Convention on self discipline against addiction in the online game industry with 213 units

2021-09-24 15:28:02来源: 触乐

今日,中国音像与数字出版协会游戏出版工作委员会联合游戏工委全体理事单位及相关企业发布《网络游戏行业防沉迷自律公约》。公约包含6项规定:一、坚决执行管理要求,建立工作规范;二、坚决落实实名认证,精准识别用户;三、坚决筑牢安全防线,抵制不良内容;四、坚决夯实平台管理,明确具体要求;五、坚决遵守市场秩序,杜绝违规行为;坚决配合举报平台,开展自查自纠。同时要求游戏企业在游戏产品研发、生产、销售、运营、推广、宣传等业务活动中,严格遵守公约各项条款约束,在企业网站、游戏界面等显要位置全面展示公约内容。包括腾讯、网易在内的213家单位参与了联合发布。 《网络游戏行业防沉迷自律公约》全文如下: 为认真贯彻中央宣传部《关于开展文娱领域综合治理工作的通知》和国家新闻出版署《关于进一步严格管理 切实防止未成年人沉迷网络游戏的通知》有

Today, the game publishing Working Committee of China audio visual and Digital Publishing Association, together with all governing units of the game working committee and relevant enterprises, issued the Convention on anti addiction and self-discipline in the online game industry. The Convention contains six provisions: first, resolutely implement management requirements and establish work norms; 2、 Resolutely implement real name authentication and accurately identify users; 3、 Firmly build a strong security defense line and resist bad content; 4、 Firmly consolidate platform management and clarify specific requirements; 5、 Resolutely abide by the market order and eliminate violations; Resolutely cooperate with the reporting platform to carry out self inspection and self correction. At the same time, game enterprises are required to strictly abide by the provisions of the Convention in business activities such as game product R & D, production, sales, operation, promotion and publicity, and comprehensively display the contents of the Convention in prominent positions such as enterprise website and game interface. 213 units including Tencent and Netease participated in the joint release.

标签: 游戏