新关注 > 信息聚合 > 动画剧集《英雄联盟:双城之战》最新预告公开 11月7日播出

动画剧集《英雄联盟:双城之战》最新预告公开 11月7日播出

The latest trailer of the animated drama "League of Heroes: the battle of two cities" was broadcast on November 7

2021-09-26 10:57:57来源: 游戏时光

《英雄联盟》官方微博今日(9 月 26 日)发布动画剧集《英雄联盟:双城之战》首支正式预告。影片将于 11 月 7 日开始播出。视频地址《英雄联盟:双城之战》共有 9 集内容。本片舞台设定在皮尔特沃夫与祖安地下世界,重点讲述蔚与金克丝两位英雄之间的故事。有条件的朋友届时可通过网飞(Netflix)观看影片。国内观众请锁定英雄联盟官方社区与腾讯视频,官方将及时更新动态。来源:英雄联盟

The official microblog of the League of heroes today (September 26) released the first official preview of the animated drama League of Heroes: the battle of two cities. The film will begin broadcasting on November 7. The video address "League of Heroes: Battle of two cities" has 9 episodes. The stage of this film is set in the underground world of piltwalf and Zuan, focusing on the story between Wei and jinx. Conditional friends can watch movies through Netflix. Domestic viewers please lock in the official community of hero alliance and Tencent video, and the official will update the news in time. Source: Hero League

标签: 英雄联盟