新关注 > 信息聚合 > 上海龙之队获得守望先锋联赛2021赛季总冠军


Shanghai Dragon team won the championship of the watch pioneer League in 2021

2021-09-26 11:31:25来源: 游戏时光

在今天的守望先锋联赛 2021 赛季总决赛上,常规赛冠军上海龙之队直落 4 盘,击败亚特兰大君临队,赢下守望先锋联赛 1.0 时代的最后一场总决赛,捧起总冠军的奖杯。输出位选手 Lip,获得总决赛 FMVP 的荣誉。上海龙之队冠军成员:坦克位:Fate、Void输出位:Fleta、Lip、Whoru、develop辅助位:Izayaki、LeeJaeGon、Molly 「守望先锋联赛」第四赛季总决赛排名:冠军:上海龙之队亚军:亚特兰大君临队季军:达拉斯燃料队殿军:旧金山震动队

In today's 2021 season finals of the watch pioneer League, the regular season champion Shanghai Dragon team fell straight to 4 & amp; nbsp; Set, beat Atlanta King's landing team, won the last finals of the 1.0 era of the watch pioneer League, and won the championship trophy. The output player lip won the honor of fmvp in the finals. Champion members of Shanghai Dragon Team: tank position: fat, void output position: Fleta, lip, whoru, development auxiliary position: izayaki, Lee jaegon, Molly "watch pioneer League" fourth season finals ranking: Champion: Shanghai Dragon Team runner up: Atlanta King's landing team runner up: Dallas fuel team runner up: San Francisco shock team

标签: 守望先锋