新关注 > 信息聚合 > “最终幻想之父”坂口博信踏入了《最终幻想14》的世界


"The father of Final Fantasy" Sakamoto entered the world of Final Fantasy 14

2021-09-28 17:39:31来源: 游戏时光

大型多人在线游戏《最终幻想14》近日迎来了一位新玩家,不过这位新玩家的身份相当特殊。他就是“最终幻想之父”,著名游戏制作人坂口博信。9 月 27 日晚,坂口博信在推特上突然宣布“正在安装《最终幻想14》”,随后放出了登陆界面的截图。即将登入游戏的坂口博信难掩兴奋之情,在动态中评论道:“前奏曲真好听,开始有《最终幻想》的感觉了。(笑)”经历短暂的选服困扰,坂口博信终于进入游戏世界。一番设置后,他晒出了自己的角色形象:一位皮肤黝黑的拉拉菲尔族人。至于游戏昵称,坂口博信很干脆地输入了自己的罗马音本名。之后在另一位业界大佬松野泰己的帮助下,坂口博信顺利升到 11 级,并与松野等人拍下一张合影。坂口博信还乘上松野泰己的陆行鸟,体验了一场有趣的骑行之旅。虽然购买正式版游戏时遭遇了区域限制,但坂口博信在亲身体验《最终幻想14

The massively multiplayer online game final fantasy 14 has recently welcomed a new player, but the new player's identity is quite special. He is the "father of Final Fantasy" and the famous game producer Boxin Sakamoto. On the evening of September 27, Sakamoto suddenly announced on twitter that "Final Fantasy 14 is being installed", and then released a screenshot of the login interface. Sakamoto, who is about to log in to the game, can't hide his excitement. He commented in the dynamic: "the prelude is really good, and he began to feel like" Final Fantasy ". (laughter)" after a short trouble in choosing clothes, Sakamoto finally entered the game world. After some setting, he exposed his character image: a dark skin Rafael. As for the game nickname, Sakamoto simply entered his Roman phonetic name. Later, with the help of another industry leader, Taiji Matsuno, sakuchi Boxin was successfully promoted to level 11 and took a group photo with Matsuno and others. Sakamoto also took Matsuno Taiji's land bird and experienced an interesting cycling trip. Although the purchase of the official version of the game encountered regional restrictions, Sakamoto was experiencing the final fantasy 14

标签: 最终幻想