新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《英雄联盟》2021全球总决赛主题曲公布


"League of heroes" 2021 global finals theme song released

2021-09-29 16:00:15来源: 游戏时光

《英雄联盟》官方于今天公布了 2021 全球总决赛的主题曲《不可阻挡》。主题曲由来自摇滚乐队 PVRIS 演唱,MV延续了一贯的高质量,并包含了大量有关职业选手和以往赛事的彩蛋。视频地址全新十年,新的传奇正待书写。下定决心的职业选手们,汇聚于各自赛区的秘密训练基地,在追寻突破自我的试炼中,一种神奇变化正在悄然发生,并逐渐席卷全球……S11 赛程如下:入围赛:10 月 5 日至 9 日小组赛:10 月 11 日至 13 日1/4 决赛:22 日到 25 日半决赛:30 日、31日决赛:11 月 6 日比赛将在冰岛首都雷克雅未克 Laugardalshöll 室内体育馆 A 馆举办。来源:英雄联盟

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; The hero League officially released the theme song "unstoppable" of the 2021 global finals today. The theme song is sung by pvris, a rock band. The MV continues the consistent high quality and contains a large number of colored eggs about professional players and previous events. The video address is a new decade, and a new legend is waiting to be written. Determined professionals gather at the secret training base in their respective competition areas. In the trial of seeking self breakthrough, a magical change is quietly taking place and gradually sweeping the world... The schedule of S11 is as follows: finalists: October 5-9 group match: October 11-13 1 / 4 final: 22-25 semi-final: 30 31 final: on November 6, the competition will be held in hall a of laugardalsh ö ll indoor stadium in Reykjavik, Iceland. Source: Hero League

标签: 英雄联盟