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电影《生化危机 欢迎来到浣熊市》首支预告释出

The first trailer of the movie "biochemical crisis, welcome to raccoon city" released

2021-10-08 09:21:40来源: 游戏时光

索尼电影近日公布了电影《生化危机 欢迎来到浣熊市》的首支预告片,系列主要角色克里斯、吉尔、里昂、克莱尔等悉数登场。预告中不仅有洋馆和浣熊市警察局等经典场景,也有生化系列玩家熟悉的“回眸一笑”。视频地址 本片是《生化危机》电影的重启作,将于 11 月 24 日在北美上映。导演约翰内斯·罗伯茨表示本作将更贴近游戏的一二代剧情。演员阵容为:卡雅·斯考达里奥饰演克莱尔汉娜·乔恩-卡门饰演吉尔,罗比·阿美尔(《上载新生》)饰演克里斯阿万·乔贾扮演里昂汤姆·霍珀(《伞学院》)饰演威斯克视频截图来源:Youtube

Sony Pictures recently released the first trailer of the film "biochemical crisis, welcome to raccoon city", with all the main characters of the series, such as Chris, Jill, Lyon and Claire. In the preview, there are not only classic scenes such as foreign Pavilion and raccoon police station, but also "look back and smile" familiar to players of biochemical series. Video address & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; This film is the restart of biochemical crisis and will be released in North America on November 24. Director Johannes Roberts said that this work will be closer to the first and second generation of the game. The cast is: Kaya scodario as Claire, Hannah Jon Carmen as Jill, Robbie Amer (upload freshman) as Chris arwan joja as Leon Tom hopper (umbrella College) as wesk video screenshot: YouTube

标签: 生化危机 电影