新关注 > 信息聚合 > 传闻:Epic计划成立视频娱乐部门制作《堡垒之夜》电影


Rumor: Epic plans to set up a video entertainment department to produce the movie fortress night

2021-10-12 20:34:13来源: 游戏时光

据外媒 The Information 报道,有知情人士向他们透露,Epic Games 正在考虑成立娱乐部门,专注于视频内容制作,并考虑制作《堡垒之夜》改编电影。报道称,Epic 拥有大量可支配资金,但除了开发游戏外不知道该如何利用这些资金。加上旗下招牌作品《堡垒之夜》被苹果 App Store 和谷歌 Play Store 下架后,其营收受到影响,Epic 开始考虑利用自家 IP 创作视频内容,以此来实现营收来源多元化。 The Information 还在报道中指出,Epic Games 在今年挖走了三位卢卡斯影业的高管,包括卢卡斯影业的前实际制作副总裁Jason McGatlin。

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; According to the information report of foreign media, people familiar with the matter disclosed to them that Epic Games is considering establishing an entertainment department to focus on video content production and consider making an adaptation of Fortress night. It is reported that epic has a lot of disposable funds, but it doesn't know how to use these funds except for developing games. In addition, after its signature work fortress night was taken off the shelves of Apple App store and Google play store, its revenue was affected. Epic began to consider using its own IP to create video content, so as to diversify its revenue sources& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; The Information& nbsp; It is also reported that Epic Games & amp; nbsp; This year, he poached three executives of Lucas film, including Jason mcgatlin, former vice president of actual production of Lucas film& amp; nbsp;

标签: 视频 电影