新关注 > 信息聚合 > 20年后,Xbox设计师为最后一刻转投英特尔向AMD道歉


Twenty years later, Xbox designers apologized to AMD for switching to Intel at the last minute

2021-10-13 15:01:12来源: 游戏时光

今年 11 月,Xbox 系列主机将迎来 20 周年纪念。初代 Xbox 采用了英特尔的奔腾 3 处理器,但根据 Xbox 设计师谢默斯 · 布莱克利(Seamus Blackley)的说法,Xbox 在原型机阶段是采用 AMD 处理器的,直到「最后一刻」才改成了英特尔的处理器。今天布莱克利在社交媒体透露了这个消息,并向 AMD 总裁苏姿丰以及当时与微软一同开发 Xbox 原型机的 AMD 工程师道歉。布莱克利在社交媒体写道:在我们即将迎来 Xbox 20 周年之际,我觉得自己有必要,再次地,向当年跟我们一起开发 Xbox 原型机,却在真的是最后一刻,在发布会前排看着我们宣布采用英特尔芯片的 AMD 工程师们道歉。是安迪(英特尔前 CEO 安迪 · 格罗夫)给比尔(比尔 · 盖茨)打了电话,不是我做的决定。@苏

In November, the Xbox series console will celebrate its 20th anniversary. The first generation of Xbox used Intel's Pentium 3 processor, but according to the Xbox designer Seamus Blackley, the Xbox used AMD processor in the prototype stage, and it was not changed to Intel's processor until the "last minute". Blackley revealed the news on social media today and apologized to AMD president Su Zifeng and AMD engineers who developed Xbox prototypes with Microsoft at that time. Blackley wrote on social media: as we are about to usher in the 20th anniversary of Xbox, I feel it necessary to apologize again to the AMD engineers who developed the Xbox prototype with us, but watched us announce the adoption of Intel chips in the front row of the press conference at the last minute. It was Andy (former Intel CEO Andy Grove) who called bill (Bill Gates), not me@ Soviet

标签: Xbox