新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《仙剑奇侠传七》配置详解:光追性能表现公开


Detailed explanation of the configuration of the seventh legend of the immortal sword: the performance of light chasing is open

2021-10-13 17:29:20来源: 游戏时光

《仙剑奇侠传七》即将在 10 月 15 日发售,今日官方公开了本作各个画面表现下的配置需求,以及多款显卡性能模式和质量模式下的性能表现,大家不妨参考一下。同时官方也公开了一组 Q&A 答疑,本体约 66G,游戏建议玩家预留 85G 空间。来源:仙剑奇侠传

"Legend of fairy sword and chivalry 7" will be on sale on October 15. Today, the official disclosed the configuration requirements under each picture of this work, as well as the performance under the performance mode and quality mode of a variety of graphics cards. You may wish to refer to it. At the same time, a group of Q & amp; amp; A Q & A: the body is about 66g. The game recommends that players reserve 85g space. Source: Legend of fairy sword