新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【福利】流水线生存游戏《银河破裂者》现已发售,超长预告片公布


[welfare] the pipeline survival game Galaxy disrupter is now on sale, and the super long trailer is announced

2021-10-14 16:00:07来源: 游戏时光

备受期待的建造类生存+机甲 RPG 游戏《银河破裂者》已于今日(10 月 14 日)正式登陆 Steam,国区定价 89 元,首发可享折扣价 80 元,游戏支持中文。本作还将同步登陆 PS5 和 Xbox Series X|S 平台(首发加入XGP),本作最新宣传片也同步放出。 视频地址《银河破裂者》(The Riftbreaker)是由 EXOR Studios 开发的建造类生存 + 机甲 RPG 游戏,游戏讲述了太空殖民时代背景下,玩家将扮演一名负责星际开拓的精英科学家兼先锋兵阿什莉,来到银河系远端的行星伽拉忒亚37号建造起基地,为打通穿回地球的时空裂缝做准备。不过时空裂缝装置的建造十分复杂,且需要巨大能量,为了完成任务,玩家们需要建立起复杂的设施网,包括矿井、加工厂、电厂以及研究设施。 不过在建造生

The highly anticipated construction survival + mecha RPG game Galaxy disruptor has officially landed in steam today (October 14). The national and regional price is 89 yuan, and the starting discount price is 80 yuan. The game supports Chinese. This work will also log in to ps5 and Xbox series x|s platform synchronously (first joined XGP), and the latest promotional film of this work will also be released synchronously.

标签: 游戏