新关注 > 信息聚合 > 外媒:《龙腾世纪4》将不会登陆PS4和Xbox One

外媒:《龙腾世纪4》将不会登陆PS4和Xbox One

Foreign media: Longteng century 4 will not log on to PS4 and Xbox one

2021-10-15 10:25:55来源: 游戏时光

据外媒 Gamesbeat 报道,《龙腾世纪4》将不会推出 PS4 和 Xbox One 版本,专注于新世代的主机和 PC。推特网友 @FaizShaikh7681 在本作设计师的领英页面中发现了游戏标注的平台仅有 PS5、XSX|S、PC 三项,而 Gamesbeat 编辑杰夫 · 格拉布(Jeff Grubb)也透露自己向 EA 方面确认过,这款新作的主机版计划只专注于新世代的主机。目前正值新老世代交替的阶段,受限于主机产能,还有许多玩家尚未能拥有新世代的主机。因此,不少游戏新作都选择同时推出新老世代的版本,让更多玩家能够玩到游戏。不过格拉布认为,推出跨世代游戏的好处已经随着时间推移变得越来越少,对于尚在开发中的作品来说,同时兼顾新老硬件反而会为开发者带来麻烦。格拉布觉得等《龙腾世纪4》正式面世的时候,拥有

According to foreign media gamesbeat, Longteng century 4 will not launch PS4 and Xbox one versions, focusing on the new generation of hosts and PCs. Twitter user @ Faiz shaikh7681 found in the LinkedIn page of the designer that the platform marked by the game is only ps5, xsx|s and PC. Jeff Grubb, editor of gamebeat, also revealed that he had confirmed to ea that the host version of this new work is only focused on the new generation of hosts. At present, it is at the stage of the alternation of new and old generations. Due to the host capacity, many players have not been able to have a new generation of hosts. Therefore, many new games choose to launch versions of new and old generations at the same time, so that more players can play the game. However, grab believes that the benefits of launching cross generational games have become less and less over time. For works still under development, taking into account both new and old hardware will bring trouble to developers. GRABB felt that when Dragon Century 4 was officially released, he would have

标签: PS Xbox PS4