新关注 > 信息聚合 > Capcom公开《生化危机》25 周年万圣节主题官网

Capcom公开《生化危机》25 周年万圣节主题官网

Capcom publishes the official website of Halloween theme for the 25th anniversary of biochemical crisis

2021-10-16 15:44:51来源: 游戏时光

Capcom 公开了《生化危机》系列 25 周年万圣节主题官网,从网站显示的信息来看,《生化危机》系列在整个十月都会有新消息公布。目前公开的消息有两个,一是 10 月 15 日到 11 月 12 日,玩家在推特上参与特定活动,就有机会获得索尼电视、Oculus Quest 2 等奖品。二是宣布《生化危机 4 VR》将在 10 月 21 日发售,这是之前已经公布的消息。网站显示本月还将公布 7 个新情报,不知道里面会不会有让人眼前一亮的消息。来源:《生化危机》系列25周年万圣节主题官网

Capcom has released the official website of the Halloween theme for the 25th anniversary of the biochemical crisis series. According to the information displayed on the website, the biochemical crisis series will be announced throughout October. At present, there are two public news. One is that from October 15 to November 12, players will have the opportunity to win prizes such as Sony TV and oculus Quest 2 if they participate in specific activities on twitter. Second, it was announced that biochemical crisis 4 VR would go on sale on October 21, which was previously announced. The website shows that seven new intelligence will be released this month. I don't know if there will be bright news in it. Source: Official Website of Halloween theme for the 25th anniversary of biochemical crisis series

标签: PC 生化危机