新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《刺客信条 起源》免费周末现已开启,主机版已支持60帧

《刺客信条 起源》免费周末现已开启,主机版已支持60帧

The free weekend of "the origin of Assassin's Creed" has been opened, and the mainframe version has supported 60 frames

2022-06-17 08:19:52来源: 游戏时光

育碧官方宣布,旗下 2017 年推出的“刺客信条”系列开放世界动作游戏《刺客信条 起源》将于 6 月 16 日至 6 月 20 日开启免费周末活动。 视频地址《刺客信条 起源》已于 6 月 2 日迎来 1.6.0 版本更新,自此本作已在 Xbox Series X|S 和 PS5 支持以 60 帧画面运行,并且游戏内追加了有关新《刺客信条》系列作品的商城选项,不妨趁这个机会体验一下 60 帧下的古代埃及吧。

Ubisoft officially announced that its "Assassin's Creed" series of open world action game "Assassin's Creed origin" launched in 2017 will open free weekend activities from June 16 to June 20. The video address "the origin of Assassin's Creed" has been updated with version 1.6.0 on June 2. Since then, this work has been supported to run in 60 frames on Xbox series x|s and ps5. In addition, the game has added a shopping mall option for the new "Assassin's Creed" series works. You might as well take this opportunity to experience ancient Egypt under 60 frames.

标签: 刺客信条