新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电竞实训节目《战至巅峰》开播,电竞新人视角聚焦行业生态


The e-sports training program "battle to the top" was launched, and the e-sports newcomers' perspective focused on the industry ecology

2022-06-11 21:20:00来源: 触乐

今日,由腾讯视频、VSPN、《王者荣耀》联合出品的电竞实训节目《战至巅峰》正式官宣,已于中午12点上线。节目由30位来自文体领域的电竞新人组成不同战队,深入顶级电竞俱乐部,在竞技体育项目的钢铁秩序下参与实训锤炼、赛事比拼,感受电子竞技的残酷激烈,共赴战队荣耀。 “赢了一起狂,输了一起扛”是许多电竞选手、观众非常熟悉的口号 ■ 30 位电竞新人的履历清零,进入全新赛道平等竞技 随着奥运体育热潮的氛围,竞技精神中进击拼搏的态度感染全民。电子竞技作为奥运会第99项运动、杭州亚运会的创新类项目,激发了中国电竞爱好者与职业选手的自豪感。作为一档电竞实训节目,《战至巅峰》以呈现真实电竞职业生态、电竞新人的能力和态度为核心,通过实训实战的形式,展现电子竞技的钢铁秩序,还有竞技体育项目&ldqu

Today, the official announcement of the e-sports training program "battle to the top", jointly produced by Tencent video, VSPN and the glory of the king, was launched at 12 noon. The program consists of 30 E-sports newcomers from the sports field to form different teams, go deep into the top E-sports clubs, participate in training and competition under the steel order of competitive sports, feel the cruelty and fierceness of e-sports, and go to the team glory together.

标签: 电竞