新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2022年国际汽联赛车运动会电竞项目详情公开


Details of the e-sports project of the 2022 FIA motor racing games are disclosed

2022-06-21 11:53:27来源: 游戏时光

国际汽车联合会(FIA)宣布国际汽联赛车运动会电竞项目将于今年 10 月 27 日至 10 月 29 日在法国马赛举行。在本次赛事中,《神力科莎 竞速》将取代《GT赛车 Sport》作为电竞项目的竞赛平台。 国际汽联在 2019 年首次举办了赛车运动会,并将《GT赛车 Sport》作为电竞项目的竞赛平台。但受疫情影响,接下来两年的赛事被迫停办。在这期间 Polyphony Digital 发布了《GT赛车7》,而本作的旗舰电竞系列赛事没有获得国际汽联的认证,因此有玩家怀疑本作是否能重回国际汽联赛车运动会的电竞项目。 这个疑问现在也随着国际汽联的官宣尘埃落定。国际汽联预计将有 80 多名选手参

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; The International Automobile Federation (FIA) announced that the e-sports event of the FIA motor racing games will be held in Marseille, France, from October 27 to October 29 this year. In this competition, "Shenli Kesha racing" will replace "GT racing sport" as the competition platform of E-sports& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; FIA held the first motorsport meeting in 2019 and took GT motorsport as the competition platform of E-sports. However, affected by the epidemic, the next two years' events were forced to stop. During this period, polyphony digital released GT racing 7. However, the flagship E-sports series of this work has not been certified by the FIA. Therefore, some players doubt whether this work can return to the e-sports project of the FIA motor games& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; This question is now settled with the official announcement of the FIA. FIA expects more than 80 competitors to participate

标签: 电竞