新关注 > 信息聚合 > Switch版《星球大战 旧共和国武士2》因bug无法通关

Switch版《星球大战 旧共和国武士2》因bug无法通关

The switch version of Star Wars samurai of the Old Republic 2 failed to pass due to a bug

2022-06-21 14:12:06来源: 游戏时光

经典 RPG 游戏《星球大战 旧共和国武士2 西斯领主》刚刚在 6 月 8 日移植到了 Switch 平台,而玩家们发现本作中会出现一个致命性的 bug,导致游戏无法通关。 负责 Switch 版移植工作的 Aspyr 工作室在其官方推特上承认游戏中确实存在这个问题,并且表示会尽快发布补丁进行修复。 这个 bug 会在玩家抵达“翁德伦(Onderon)”时触发,在播放“Basilisk Crash”过场动画后游戏会直接崩溃。而此时的游戏进程仅仅过半,想要在 Switch 平台上完整体验本作的玩家只能等待官方发布修复补丁了。 《星球大战 旧共和

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; The classic RPG game "Star Wars Old Republic Samurai 2 Sith Lord" was just transplanted to the switch platform on June 8, and players found that there would be a fatal bug in this game, which made the game unable to pass the customs& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Aspyr studio, which is responsible for the migration of the switch version, acknowledged on its official twitter that this problem does exist in the game, and said it would release a patch to fix it as soon as possible& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; This bug will be triggered when the player arrives at "Onderon", and the game will crash directly after playing the "basilisk crash" crossover animation. At this time, the game process is only more than half. Players who want to fully experience this work on the switch platform can only wait for the official release of the patch& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; Star Wars Old Republic

标签: Switch 星球大战