新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《魔兽世界》新资料片「巨龙时代」预售开启,预计年内上线


The pre-sale of the new worldofwarcraft expansion "the age of the dragon" has been opened and is expected to be launched within this year

2022-06-22 11:27:45来源: 游戏时光

《魔兽世界》官网今日(6 月 22 日)发布新公告,宣布新资料片「巨龙时代」已可预购。外服商城页面显示,该版本内容将于 2022 年内发售。官方推出了「英雄礼包」与「史诗礼包」,售价分别为 238 元和 360 元。两版数字礼包的内容如下,国服玩家可以前往官网购买。在《魔兽世界》「巨龙时代」中,玩家将游览四个全新地区,还可扮演首个种族职业组合「龙希尔唤魔师」。另外玩家还能骑乘个人专属的巨龙群岛幼龙。来源:《魔兽世界》国服官网/Battle.net

The official website of worldofwarcraft today (June 22) released a new announcement, announcing that the new expansion "dragon era" can be pre ordered. According to the page of Foreign Service Mall, the content of this version will be released in 2022. The "hero gift pack" and "epic gift pack" were officially launched at 238 yuan and 360 yuan respectively. The contents of the two versions of the digital gift pack are as follows. National service players can go to the official website to buy. In the "Dragon Age" of worldofwarcraft, players will visit four new areas, and can also play the first racial professional group "dragon hill calls the magician". In addition, players can ride their own dragon islands. Source: worldofwarcraft official website /battle net

标签: 魔兽世界