新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2022腾讯游戏发布会:新游戏、新价值、新体验


2022 Tencent game conference: new games, new values and new experiences

2022-06-28 18:01:51来源: 触乐

6月27日,“SPARK 2022”腾讯游戏发布会在线上正式举行。今年,腾讯游戏发布了40余款产品与内容,其中包括首次曝光的游戏技术合作系列项目、多款游戏新品及跨界应用。继去年提出“超级数字场景”战略理念后,腾讯游戏正在通过持续探索游戏技术,为玩家带来更加丰富多元的体验,为社会不断创造新的价值与可能。 今年的腾讯游戏发布会上,“超级数字场景”仍然得到了体现 “游戏本就不是一个孤立发展的产业,自诞生以来,就始终与前沿科技相互驱动、共生发展,并积累了一系列独特的技术能力。”腾讯公司高级副总裁马晓轶以高保真数字人形式出席本次发布会,并表示:“伴随着技术的不断进步和我们认识的升级,游戏一定会融入更多经济发展与

June 27, & ldquo; SPARK 2022& rdquo; Tencent game conference was officially held online. This year, Tencent games released more than 40 products and content, including the first exposure of a series of game technology cooperation projects, a number of new game products and cross-border applications. Following last year's & ldquo; Super digital scene & rdquo; After the strategic concept, Tencent games is constantly exploring game technology to bring more rich and diverse experiences to players and create new values and possibilities for the society.

标签: 游戏 腾讯