新关注 > 信息聚合 > Xbox/PC版《女神异闻录5 皇家版》确认包含40多个DLC

Xbox/PC版《女神异闻录5 皇家版》确认包含40多个DLC

The xbox/pc version of "goddess anecdote 5 Royal version" is confirmed to contain more than 40 DLCs

2022-06-27 12:40:16来源: 游戏时光

今日(6 月 27 日)Atlus 官网公开了 Xbox / PC(Windows)版《女神异闻录5 皇家版》的新消息。官方确认本作将收录原版发售后的 40 多个 DLC 内容。这些 DLC 包含各种角色套装与挑战关卡,玩家在游戏开始后便能使用,无需其它条件。《女神异闻录5 皇家版》将于 2022 年 10 月 21 日登陆 Xbox Series X|S / Xbox One / PC(Windows)平台,确认加入 XGP 游戏库。游戏支持简体中文。此外,《女神异闻录3 携带版》与《女神异闻录4 黄金版》也将登陆更多平台。来源:Atlus

Today (June 27), the official website of Atlus released the new news of the Xbox / PC (Windows) version of the goddess' anecdote 5 Royal edition. It is officially confirmed that this work will include more than 40 DLC contents after the original release. These DLCs contain various character suits and challenge levels, which can be used by players after the game starts without other conditions. On October 21, 2022, the Royal version of Goddess anecdote 5 will be launched on the Xbox series x|s / Xbox one / PC (Windows) platform and confirmed to join the XGP game library. The game supports simplified Chinese. In addition, the portable version of Goddess' strange stories 3 and the golden version of Goddess' strange stories 4 will also be launched on more platforms. Source: Atlus

标签: PC Xbox