新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《索尼克起源》开发者:游戏发售的版本和我们做的不一样


The developer of sonic origin: the version of the game is different from what we have done

2022-06-27 13:23:21来源: 游戏时光

收录了《索尼克》《索尼克 2》《索尼克 CD》《索尼克3与纳克鲁斯》 4 款游戏的《索尼克 起源》于上周正式发售,但游戏并没有收获好的评价。以 Steam 平台为例,玩家评价为“褒贬不一”,差评点主要在于 BUG 多、输入延迟、价格昂贵等。对于这些问题,本作的开发人员 —— 来自 Headcannon 工作室(《索尼克狂热》)的软件工程师 Simon Thomley 在个人推特上表达了自己的沮丧,因为游戏在商店上架的版本并不是他们提交给世嘉的版本。这令人沮丧。我不会谎称我们提交给世嘉的版本没有问题。但《索尼克 起源》里的东西并不是我们上交的内容。整合内容产生的 BUG 所导致的一些常见逻辑错误确实是我们的责任,但有很多与我们无关。Thomley 承认因为赶工等原因确实没能把这个复刻合集做得尽善尽美,但他已经对团

"Sonic origin", which includes four games "sonic", "sonic 2", "sonic CD" and "sonic 3 and nacrus", was officially released last week, but the game did not get good reviews. Taking steam platform as an example, players' comments are "mixed", and the main negative comments are many bugs, delayed input, high price, etc. For these problems, Simon thomley, the developer of this work, a software engineer from the headcannon studio (sonic mania), expressed his frustration on his personal twitter, because the version of the game on the store is not the version they submitted to Sega. This is frustrating. I will not lie that the version we submitted to Sega is OK. But the things in sonic origins are not what we handed in. We are indeed responsible for some common logic errors caused by bugs generated by integrated content, but many of them have nothing to do with us. Thomley admitted that he could not make the replica collection perfect because of the rush of work and other reasons, but he has