新关注 > 信息聚合 > 腾讯虚幻引擎5开发的开放世界「金庸」主题游戏公开


Open world "Jin Yong" theme game developed by Tencent unreal engine 5 is open to the public

2022-06-27 20:50:37来源: 游戏时光

腾讯在 6 月 27 日的腾讯游戏年度发布会上公开了光子工作室群开发的开放世界游戏《代号:致金庸》。视频地址根据介绍,《代号 致金庸》采用虚幻引擎5研发,「玩家可以在宏大的金庸武侠江湖中,自由探索广阔的江湖世界,畅快体验百态武侠人生」。此前,本作相关视频下带有「手机游戏」「手游」等标签。不过在本回实机演示中,官方标示了「网络游戏」标签,并没有手游相关的关键词。来源:腾讯光子游戏

Tencent unveiled the open world game code: to Jin Yong developed by photon studio group at the Tencent game Annual Conference on June 27. According to the introduction of the video address, "code to Jin Yong" is developed by using the illusory engine 5, "players can freely explore the vast Jianghu world in the grand Jin Yong martial arts Jianghu, and freely experience various forms of martial arts life.". Previously, the relevant videos of this work had labels such as "mobile games", "mobile games", etc. However, in this live demonstration, the official label "online game" was marked, and there were no keywords related to mobile games. Source: Tencent photon game

标签: 游戏 腾讯