新关注 > 信息聚合 > 主播用一个按钮打通《黑暗之魂3》,图什么?


The anchor uses a button to get through the dark soul 3. What's the picture?

2021-12-10 16:18:00来源: 触乐

“黑暗之魂”是个受苦游戏,这我们都知道,而你想象不到的是,某些玩家还要承受比其他人更多的痛苦,这就是为什么主播Rudeism决定使用只有一个按钮的控制器来打通《黑暗之魂3》。他不仅想证明自己有能力完成这项挑战,还想证明每个人都应该能够以不同的方式来玩游戏,就连超难的“魂”系列也不例外。 “我不是炫耀玩游戏的水平,我是想让人们注意一个事实。”Rudeism说,“对某些玩家来说,不管他们怎样磨炼技术,都无法足够应付这款节奏紧张、考验反应能力,并且是为一款标准手柄设计的游戏,而开发商似乎认为,所有玩家都是身体健全的人。” “有的玩家觉得‘黑暗之魂’很容易,也有人就觉得很难,甚至不可能通关

& ldquo; Soul of darkness & rdquo; It's a suffering game, which we all know. What you can't imagine is that some players have to suffer more than others. That's why the anchor rudeism decided to use the controller with only one button to get through the dark soul 3. He not only wants to prove that he has the ability to complete this challenge, but also wants to prove that everyone should be able to play games in different ways, even the extremely difficult & ldquo; Soul & rdquo; Series is no exception.

标签: 主播