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《妖精剑士F:Refrain Chord》最新预告公布

The latest announcement of "demon swordsman f:refrain chord" was announced

2022-06-29 10:29:42来源: 游戏时光

地雷社 Compile Heart 此前公布了旗下 JRPG 游戏《妖精剑士F》的续作《妖精剑士F:Refrain Chord》,计划将于 9 月 15 日登陆 PS5/PS4/Switch 平台,官方现公布了本作全新预告视频。 视频地址《妖精剑士F:Refrain Chord》将从原作的回合制 RPG 改成战棋类型,由 STING 负责开发,游戏讲述了剑与魔法世界观下,人类在女神传授的知识下迎来了文明的高度繁荣,但却在女神和邪神的纷争中毁于一旦。时间转到了现在,能够使用神之战遗物“妖精之剑”的主角,为了复活女神而与“妖精”们展开了冒险。

The mine service compile heart has previously announced the sequel of its jrpg game goblin swordsman F, Goblin swordsman f:refrain chord. It plans to land on the ps5/ps4/switch platform on September 15. The official has now announced a new preview video of this film. The video address "demon swordsman f:refrain chord" will be changed from the original turn based RPG to the type of war chess, which is developed by sting. The game tells that under the world view of sword and magic, human beings have ushered in a high degree of prosperity of civilization under the knowledge taught by the goddess, but have been destroyed in the dispute between the goddess and evil gods. The time has turned to the present. The protagonist who can use the relic of the war of God "the sword of the goblin" has embarked on an adventure with the "goblins" in order to revive the goddess.

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