新关注 > 信息聚合 > PS VR2实拍照片泄露,手柄自带腕带线材比初代长

PS VR2实拍照片泄露,手柄自带腕带线材比初代长

PS VR2 live photos leaked, and the wrist strap wire of the handle is longer than that of the first generation

2022-06-30 09:59:03来源: 游戏时光

有网友发现,独立游戏工作室 Bit Planet Games 的官推放出了一张 PS VR2 的实拍照片,可以看到一些相关配件的情况。不过推文很快就被删除,网友推测这家工作室可能违反了保密协议。根据手快网友存下来的照片,可以看到 PS VR2 配备了一根非常长的线缆,目测似乎比初代 PS VR 的原装线更长。仔细看的话,还可以看到手柄上自带腕带。此外,图片里还有另外两包线材,其中一包似乎是短的 USB 线,可能是给手柄充电的,另一包则看不出来具体是什么,外媒推测是原装耳机。当然,还有一种可能性是,图中仅仅是提供给开发商的开发机所配备的配件,实际零售版可能又不一样了。在推文被删除后,该工作室的官推又发了个推自嘲:PS VR2 的外观在今年二月公开。根据今年五月的官方消息,PS VR2 的首发游戏数量将超过 20

Some netizens found that the official push of bit planet games, an independent game studio, released a photo of PS VR2, which showed some related accessories. However, the tweets were soon deleted, and netizens speculated that the studio might have violated the confidentiality agreement. According to the photos saved by quick users, we can see that PS VR2 is equipped with a very long cable, which seems to be longer than the original cable of the first generation of PS VR. If you look carefully, you can also see the wrist strap on the handle. In addition, there are two other packages of wires in the picture. One of them seems to be a short USB cable, which may be used to charge the handle. The other package can't see what it is. Foreign media speculate that it is an original headset. Of course, there is another possibility that the figure is only the accessories provided for the developer's development machine, and the actual retail version may be different. After the tweets were deleted, the official tweets of the studio made another self mockery: the appearance of PS VR2 was made public in February this year. According to the official news in May this year, the number of first games of PS VR2 will exceed 20

标签: VR PS