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Another fan game is challenging Nintendo's legal department

2021-12-07 18:34:00来源: 触乐

任天堂一直以来对自家游戏的二次创作管控极为严苛, 任天堂处理相关法律事务的部门也因此被许多玩家称为“最强法务部”。在众多二次创作的类型中,粉丝同人游戏尤其是任天堂限制的重点。任天堂认为,这类游戏采用了任天堂的游戏元素,可能会对任天堂游戏形象产生影响,破坏这些角色和元素在玩家中的印象,因而不支持任何任天堂游戏的同人游戏制作。 对于已有的粉丝同人游戏,任天堂通常会基于《数字千年版权法》(DMCA)对制作组或发行平台提出警告,并要求删除。例如,美国任天堂在2016年向免费游戏发布平台Game Jolt上超过500款此类游戏发出警告,由平台下架了这些“马力欧卡丁车”“塞尔达传说”或“宝可梦”系列的粉丝同人游戏。2021年1月

Nintendo has always been very strict in the control of the secondary creation of its own games. Nintendo's department dealing with relevant legal affairs is therefore called & ldquo; Strongest legal department & rdquo;。 Among the many types of secondary creation, fan games, especially Nintendo, are the focus of restrictions. Nintendo believes that such games use Nintendo game elements, which may have an impact on the image of Nintendo games and destroy the impression of these characters and elements among players. Therefore, it does not support the production of any Nintendo games.

标签: 游戏 任天堂