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Re understanding the glory of the king

2022-06-28 21:48:56来源: 触乐

我又一次在屏幕中看到了我的家乡哈尔滨,那是个每年都与冰雪相伴的地方。从小到大,我看了很多冰雕,有的惟妙惟肖,有的则一言难尽,但说起来,我小时候似乎从没见过电子游戏有关的冰雕,这是很后面才有的产物。2019年冰雪大世界与《王者荣耀》合作的那场最为盛大,当时我们也报道过,200多位冰雪雕工匠师傅、500吨用冰量、8万吨用雪量,规模相当了得,直接复刻出了一个冰雪峡谷。 《王者荣耀》之前跟哈尔滨冰雪大世界合作,效果颇好 这是两年前的事情了,今天(6月27日)的“SPARK 2022”腾讯游戏发布会又提起了它。不过,关于《王者荣耀》与哈尔滨的冰雪只是这个故事的一部分,更准确的说法是,这一次《王者荣耀》再提起的是“社会责任”。 对于《王者荣耀》而言,社会责任似乎是个老话题

I saw my hometown Harbin on the screen again, which is accompanied by ice and snow every year. From small to large, I have seen many ice sculptures, some of which are vivid and some of which are hard to say. But when I was a child, it seems that I never saw ice sculptures related to video games. This is a product of a long time ago. In 2019, the cooperation between ice and snow world and the glory of the king was the most grand. At that time, we also reported that more than 200 ice and snow carving craftsmen, 500 tons of ice and 80000 tons of snow, with a considerable scale, directly reproduced an ice and Snow Canyon.

标签: 王者荣耀