新关注 > 信息聚合 > “归来”的《守望先锋》,新鲜感和学习成本的平衡


"Return" of the "watch pioneer", the balance between freshness and learning costs

2022-07-04 17:38:04来源: 触乐

去年进度还遮遮掩掩的《守望先锋》“归来”(也就是《守望先锋2》)在今年开启了宣发流程,测试也做了几轮,先是3月的守望先锋联赛(OWL)职业选手小规模内测,接着是4月和6月的两轮玩家封闭测试。触乐也受邀参加了6月28日刚开启的第二轮PvP测试。 除了直接能玩到的内容,我们在过去一段时间里还陆续得到了基于游戏本身的各类信息——10月5日发售、免费游玩、从6v6变成5v5、PvE模式,还有各种英雄的平衡性调整。如今,在距离发售日3个月左右的时候,《守望先锋》“归来”的一部分看起来已经较为明朗了。 “守望先锋”是动视暴雪最年轻的IP。2016年横空出世的《守望先锋》承担了暴雪方面的很多职责,营收、电竞,在《风暴英雄》停止更新

Last year, the progress of "watch pioneer" & ldquo; Return & rdquo; (also known as "watch pioneer 2") started the publicity process this year, and several rounds of tests were conducted. First, the small-scale internal test of professional players of watch pioneer League (OWL) in March, and then the two rounds of player closed tests in April and June. Touch music was also invited to participate in the second round of PVP test just opened on June 28.

标签: 守望先锋