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【话题】《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》中,你最喜欢用哪种武器?

[Topic] what kind of weapon do you like best in monster hunter rise: Dawn?

2022-07-05 16:42:13来源: 游戏时光

《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》已经在 6 月 30 日正式发售了,大家玩得是否开心呢?对于我这个长枪玩家而言,答案无疑是肯定的。为什么?因为新作里的长枪玩起来更“舒服”了。如果各位了解长枪这把武器,应该知道它的基础特点是“攻防一体”,而我正好是那种喜欢稳扎稳打的人,所以长枪一直算是我的本命武器。《怪物猎人 崛起》中,制作组继续强化了长枪的可玩性。玩家在防守时可以按出「完全防御」,实现全方位的挡攻效果;进攻时又能靠跨步刺打出多段伤害,并且让攻击更容易命中怪物。如果是技术精湛的猎人,还能依靠长枪的「流转突刺」实现各种飘逸的操作。以前我在打「4G」时压根没想到,现在的长枪还能“边冲边突”,变得如此灵活。这次的《曙光》又加入了「冲天突刺」的替换技,招式动画也是魄力十足。总而言之,我这个“长枪党” 对《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》的

The rise of Monster Hunter: dawn has been officially released on June 30. Did you have a good time? For me, the answer is undoubtedly yes. Why? Because the spear in the new work is more "comfortable". If you know the weapon of spear, you should know that its basic feature is "the integration of attack and defense", and I happen to be the kind of person who likes to fight steadily, so spear has always been my life weapon. In the rise of monster hunter, the production team continued to strengthen the playability of the spear. Players can press "complete defense" when defending to achieve an all-round blocking effect; When attacking, it can hit multiple segments of damage by stepping stabs, and it makes the attack easier to hit monsters. If you are a skilled hunter, you can also rely on the "flow spike" of the spear to achieve various elegant operations. When I was playing "4G" before, I didn't expect that today's long guns can "rush and burst" and become so flexible. This time, the "dawn" has added the replacement technology of "soaring lunge", and the move animation is also full of courage. In a word, my "spear party" is very interested in the rise of Monster Hunter: dawn

标签: 怪物猎人