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【话题】秀一下你在《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》中的配装吧

[Topic] show me your outfit in the rise of Monster Hunter: dawn

2022-07-06 14:16:52来源: 游戏时光

对于不少猎人来说,“如何配装”是个容易纠结的问题。这次的《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》也不例外。以自己为例,开荒初期我用的是官方送的「黑带S」套装,但打了几个怪后还是觉得防御力太低。挨大名盾蟹一下,大半管血就没了。于是我去密林走了一遭,采了不少矿石,回到据点后立马换了套「锁甲X」套装。不得不说,锁甲套看上去朴实无华,但在游戏前期还是很有用的。防御力和防御性能提升,对我这个长枪玩家而言很实在。再镶嵌一颗回复珠,整体上就很抗揍。但继续往下打,我发现锁甲套的防护力度还是有些不足。于是我又花了一晚上时间,直接刷出了一副「泡狐X」套装,武器也换成了对应的「君着笠云天通枪」。其实我选泡狐套的理由很简单,除了防具数据提高外,看上去也挺漂亮的。顺便一提,泡狐套的「满足感」技能还是很牛逼的,它能让玩家重复使用部分道具,关键时刻能救命。

For many hunters, "how to match" is an easy problem. The monster hunter rises: dawn is no exception. Take myself as an example. In the early days of land reclamation, I used the "black belt s" suit given by the government, but after playing a few strange games, I still felt that my defense was too low. If you get hit by the famous shield crab, most of the blood will be gone. So I went to the dense forest for a walk, collected a lot of minerals, and immediately changed into a "lock armor X" suit after returning to the stronghold. It has to be said that the nail lock cover looks simple, but it is still very useful in the early stage of the game. The improvement of defense and defense performance is very real for me, a long spear player. Inlay another recovery bead, which is very resistant to beating on the whole. But continue to hit, I found that the protective strength of the armor sleeve is still insufficient. So I spent another night directly painting out a "bubble fox X" suit, and the weapon was also replaced with the corresponding "Jun Zhao Li Yun Tian Tong gun". In fact, the reason why I choose bubble fox cover is very simple. In addition to the improvement of armor data, it also looks very beautiful. By the way, the "satisfaction" skill of bubble fox cover is still very awesome. It allows players to reuse some props and save lives at critical moments.

标签: 怪物猎人