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Nintendo announces the 8-minute introduction image of "Yidu sword 3"

2022-07-08 11:21:48来源: 游戏时光

任天堂旗下 JRPG 新作《异度神剑3》即将于 7 月 29 日正式发售,官方现放出了本作长达 8 分钟的游戏详细介绍视频。 视频地址《异度神剑3》的故事将连结《异度神剑》与《异度神剑2》两个世界的未来,玩家将扮演“科维斯”的士兵诺亚,在与敌对国家“安格努斯”的战争中邂逅了弥央,两个人的身体突然融合(灵衔连结)使得他们决心共同抗争命运,寻找真正的“敌人”。

Nintendo's new jrpg work "Excalibur 3" will be officially released on July 29. The official has now released an 8-minute video detailing the game. The story of the video address "Yidu divine sword 3" will link the future of the two worlds of "Yidu divine sword" and "Yidu divine sword 2". The player will play Noah, a soldier of "corvis", who met yayang in the war with the enemy country "Agnus". The sudden fusion of the two people's bodies (spiritual Title Connection) made them determined to fight against the fate together and find the real "enemy".

标签: 任天堂