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日本周销量2022.6.27~7.3《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》登顶

Weekly sales in Japan reached the top from June 27 to July 3, 2022, "monster hunter rises: Dawn"

2022-07-08 15:29:47来源: 游戏时光

Fami 通公布了新一周(2022.6.27~7.3)日本地区游戏销量,卡普空旗下“怪猎崛起”推出了大型拓展内容《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》,首周凭借 10.4 万的销量登顶榜单。任天堂旗下体感动作游戏《Nintendo Switch Sports》继续维持销量榜第二的位置,本周卖出 2.0 万份。上上周第一的《火焰纹章无双 风花雪月》这周则下滑到第三位,销量 1.8 万份。新作方面,日本一推出了模拟养成 + DRPG 新作《虚空饲育箱2》,Switch 版和 PS4 版分别卖出 2919 和 1434 份,位于第 15 和 29 位。2022.6.27~7.3 日本游戏销量:硬件销量方面,OLED 款 Switch 这周卖出 4.4 万台,Switch 和 Switch Lite 也分别卖出 2.8 万和 1.2

Famiton announced the game sales in Japan in the new week (June 27 to July 3, 2022). Capcom's "rise of Monster Hunter" launched a large-scale expansion content, "rise of Monster Hunter: Dawn", which topped the list with 104000 sales in the first week. Nintendo's moving game Nintendo switch sports continued to rank second in sales, with 20000 copies sold this week. Last week, the first "flame heraldry matchless romantic" fell to the third place this week, with sales of 18000 copies. In terms of new works, Japan launched a new work of simulated cultivation + DRPG, void incubator 2. The switch version and PS4 version sold 2919 and 1434 copies respectively, ranking 15th and 29th. Japanese game sales from June 27, 2022 to July 3, 2022: in terms of hardware sales, 44000 OLED switches were sold this week, and switches and switch Lite also sold 28000 and 12000 respectively

标签: 怪物猎人