新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《仙剑奇侠传一 VR》画面首曝,7月15日上线VR体验店

《仙剑奇侠传一 VR》画面首曝,7月15日上线VR体验店

The screen of "Legend of swordsman - VR" was first exposed, and the VR experience store was launched on July 15

2022-07-09 10:50:36来源: 游戏时光

在仙剑 27 周年庆典上,公布了软星官方授权,沉浸世界制作的《仙剑奇侠传一 VR》。本作将于 7 月 15 日于沉浸世界的全国各地 VR 体验店上线,内容时长约为 1 小时。本作还公布了研发中画面,可以看到 UI 界面还原了 95 版仙剑。视频中展示了锁妖塔,御剑飞行,以及多段不同的战斗。尚不清楚这些原作不同阶段的内容将如何编排进较短时间的 VR 体验内。

At the 27th anniversary celebration of Xianjian, the official authorization of soft star and the world-wide production of "Xianjian Qixia biography VR" were announced. This work will be launched on July 15 in VR experience stores all over the country, which are immersed in the world. The content will last about 1 hour. This work also announced the picture under development, which can be seen & nbsp; The UI interface restores the 95 version of fairy sword. The video shows the demon lock tower, sword flying, and many different battles. It is not clear how the contents of these original works at different stages will be arranged into a shorter VR experience.

标签: VR