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《AI:梦境档案 涅槃肇始》全流程白金攻略

AI: the beginning of nirvana in dream archives platinum introduction to the whole process

2022-07-09 20:57:27来源: 游戏时光

整体来说,《AI:梦境档案 涅槃肇始》的白金难度并不高,游戏奖杯基本上都是达成某个结局,或是收集一些隐藏物品。再加上玩家可以非常方便地跳到对应的剧情点,要拿白金是很简单的。本攻略将以章节的形式,详细介绍游戏中所有奖杯的获得方法,大概 30 小时左右就能拿到白金奖杯。*本文仅为奖杯攻略,无法保证玩家有足够的时间进行梦界探索,建议打奖杯时将梦界篇难度设为享受剧情。开场问题开场是游戏的教学环节,主持人会向龙木提问,这时候就调查面前的抢答按钮,回答【乾闼婆】。接着龙木会被主持人询问是否知道第二独眼巨人命案细节,选不知道的话游戏中不会提到初代的案件细节。回答【知道】,接着分别输入【瑞希】和【犀人】,游戏在涉及到上一部游戏剧情细节的地方会完整展现内容。回答【不知道】,游戏会避免向玩家展示初代的剧情细节。交错篇 第0章涉及奖

On the whole, the platinum difficulty of "Ai: the beginning of nirvana in dream archives" is not high. The game trophies are basically to achieve a certain ending or collect some hidden items. In addition, players can easily jump to the corresponding plot point, and it is very simple to get platinum. This strategy will introduce in detail the methods of obtaining all trophies in the game in the form of chapters. You can get the platinum trophy in about 30 hours* This article is just a trophy introduction, which can't guarantee that players have enough time to explore the dream world. It is suggested to set the difficulty of the dream world chapter to enjoy the plot when playing the trophy. The opening question is the teaching part of the game. The host will ask Longmu a question. At this time, he will investigate the answer button in front of him and answer [qiankupo]. Then Longmu will be asked by the host whether he knows the details of the second Cyclops murder. If he doesn't know, the details of the early generation of cases will not be mentioned in the game. Answer [know], and then enter [Reese] and [rhino man] respectively. The game will show the full content where the plot details of the previous game are involved. Answer [don't know], the game will avoid showing players the details of the story of the first generation. Staggered chapter 0 involves Awards

标签: AI