新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《守望先锋2》的语音会根据英雄皮肤等各种情况组合变化


The voice of "watch pioneer 2" will be combined and changed according to various conditions such as the hero's skin

2022-07-10 12:13:52来源: 游戏时光

《守望先锋2》的叙事团队为游戏增加了 25000 条新的语音,其中有一些需要各种独特的情况才会触发,比如被击杀的英雄使用了特定的皮肤。根据叙事设计师 Justin Groot 和 Gavin Jurgens-Fyhrie 的说法,这些语音是反应式的,即使是相当特殊的情况也会有专属语音,来对玩家达成了一些很酷或很奇怪的事情进行奖励。比如,西格玛的默认皮肤是不穿鞋的,但也有穿鞋的皮肤。有一次,叙事设计师 Miranda Moyer 指出,巴蒂斯特的语音谈到西格玛没有鞋子,但如果玩家用的是有鞋子的皮肤,这句话就会很奇怪。因此,Groot 就在系统中将每一款西格玛的皮肤都标记上有鞋还是无鞋,使得叙事团队能为各种奇怪的场景制作特别的语音。比如,用黑百合击杀没有鞋的西格玛,黑百合就会说:“谁能给他拿几双鞋?” Groot

The narrative team of watch pioneer 2 added 25000 new voices to the game, some of which require a variety of unique circumstances to trigger, such as the killed hero using a specific skin. According to narrative designers Justin Groot and Gavin Jurgens fyhrie, these voices are reactive. Even in very special cases, there will be exclusive voices to reward players for achieving some cool or strange things. For example, sigma does not wear shoes by default, but there are also shoes wearing skin. Once, narrative designer Miranda Moyer pointed out that Batiste's voice talked about sigma without shoes, but it would be strange if players used skin with shoes. Therefore, Groot marks every sigma skin with shoes or without shoes in the system, so that the narrative team can make special voice for various strange scenes. For example, if you kill sigma without shoes with black lilies, black lilies will say, "who can get him a few pairs of shoes?" Groot

标签: 守望先锋