新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一位动森玩家把自己的岛做成了迷宫,一年后回坑“后悔不已”


A zomori player made his own island into a maze and returned to the pit one year later to "regret it"

2021-11-15 16:17:28来源: 游戏时光

国外玩家 Avery Monsen 在去年游玩《集合啦!动物森友会》时,决定把自己的整个小岛打造成一个迷宫。最近趁着 2.0 版本的更新,他想回来看看新内容,结果发现自己的迷宫过于复杂,导致「游戏已经没法玩」了。 去年在解锁「地形设计」后,Monsen 就决定把整个岛屿打造成迷宫。据他回忆,自己至少花了两个星期来建造他的岛屿迷宫,而且完成后就弃坑了: 从岛上的任何一个地方到另一个地方都需要 10 分钟。 此外,当时 Monsen 为了防止有人用梯子翻过迷宫,在迷宫的墙壁建满了灌木。而现在他自己也不得不必须通过走迷宫的方式才能在岛上行动。 现在 Monse

Foreign player avery monsen decided to build his whole island into a maze when he visited the Animal Crossing last year. Recently, taking advantage of the update of version 2.0, he wanted to come back to see the new content. As a result, he found that his maze was too complex, resulting in "the game is no longer playable"& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; After unlocking "terrain design" last year, monsen decided to build the whole island into a maze. According to his recollection, he spent at least two weeks to build his island maze, and then abandoned the pit: & nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; It takes 10 minutes from anywhere on the island to another place& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; In addition, monsen built shrubs on the walls of the maze to prevent people from crossing the maze with ladders. Now he had to go through a maze to move on the island& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Now MONSE

标签: 玩家