新关注 > 信息聚合 > 彭博社:索尼或将下调今年PS5的预期产量


Bloomberg News Agency: Sony may reduce the expected output of ps5 this year

2021-11-11 19:03:37来源: 游戏时光

彭博社报道,索尼内部下调了 PS5 本财年的预期生产量:从原计划的 1600 万台下降至 1500 万台。在此前,索尼曾表示本财年 PS5 的预期销量为 1480 万台,与本次报道中的产量相近。如果此报道属实,那么可以预计,因为索尼没法准备额外的供货, PS5 的供需将会比较紧张。原报道指出索尼在零部件的供货上遇到了麻烦,此外也有全球芯片短缺的因素。来源:The Verge/彭博社

According to Bloomberg, Sony has internally lowered the expected production of ps5 in this fiscal year: from 16million units originally planned to 15million units. Previously, Sony had said that the expected sales volume of ps5 in this fiscal year was 14.8 million units, which was similar to the output in this report. If this report is true, it can be predicted that because Sony cannot prepare additional supplies, the supply and demand of ps5 will be tight. The original report pointed out that Sony has encountered problems in the supply of parts. In addition, there is a global chip shortage. Source: the verge/ Bloomberg

标签: PS 索尼