新关注 > 信息聚合 > 传闻:微软正在重启问答游戏《以一敌百》


Rumor: Microsoft is restarting the Q & a game "one against a hundred"

2021-11-12 19:07:51来源: 游戏时光

据国外记者 Jeff Grubb 的爆料,微软正在制作全新版本的问答游戏《以一敌百》(1 vs. 100),由微软的混合现实部门 Altspace VR 负责开发。Grubb 表示,新的《以一敌百》还将使用“Microsoft Teams”上的 3D 虚拟形象技术: 《以一敌百》又回来了,微软确实在制作这款游戏,而且似乎是由 AltspaceVR 团队制作。他们会引入并使用我们上周在“Microsoft Teams”中看到的所有虚拟形象。 Xbox 360 上的《以一敌百》根据同名电视节目改编,于 2009 年发布。该游戏分为与电视节目类似的“直播版”和简化的“扩展游玩版”两个版本

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; According to the disclosure of Jeff Grubb, a foreign reporter, Microsoft is making a new version of the Q & a game "one against a hundred" (1 vs. 100), which is sponsored by altspace vr&, Microsoft's mixed reality department; nbsp; Responsible for development. Grubb said that the new "one against a hundred" will also use the 3D virtual image technology on "Microsoft teams": & nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; "One against a hundred" is back. Microsoft is indeed making this game, and it seems that it is made by the altspacevr team. They will introduce and use all the avatars we saw in Microsoft teams last week& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; "One against a hundred" on Xbox 360 was adapted from the TV program of the same name and released in 2009. The game is divided into two versions, the "live version" similar to TV programs and the simplified "extended game version"

标签: 游戏 微软