新关注 > 信息聚合 > PC版Xbox应用即将支持本地文件修改,以后可以打补丁啦


The Xbox app for PC will soon support local file modification. You can patch it later

2021-11-14 11:03:34来源: 游戏时光

PC 版的 Xbox 应用在体验方面有不少不够好的地方,不过据外媒报道,一些重大改进即将到来。外媒 The Verge 早前从消息人士处获悉,PC 版 Xbox 应用的新版本将支持让玩家完全自定义安装路径,随之而来的还有对 mod 的支持。报道公开后不久,微软官方也放出了一个视频介绍新版本带来的变化。视频地址据介绍,新版本的 PC 版 Xbox 应用将允许玩家自定义安装路径,并且其中有一部分游戏将对玩家开放文件编辑权限,这也让打 mod 或者打汉化补丁成为了可能。更新后,Xbox 应用将标识出哪些游戏支持文件编辑。此外,官方还提到将会为 Windows 11 的自动 HDR 功能做优化,为 Xbox Game bar 增加调整自动 HDR 的选项,以照顾希望降低 HDR 强度或者是关闭 HDR 的玩家。在视频的

The PC version of the Xbox app is not good enough in terms of experience. However, according to foreign media reports, some major improvements are coming. The verge, a foreign media, learned from a source earlier that the new version of the PC version of the Xbox application will allow players to completely customize the installation path, followed by support for mod. Shortly after the report was made public, Microsoft officials also released a video to introduce the changes brought by the new version. Video address it is reported that the new version of the PC version Xbox application will allow players to customize the installation path, and some games will open file editing permissions to players, which also makes it possible to play mod or Chinese patches. After the update, the Xbox app will identify which games support file editing. In addition, the official also mentioned that it will optimize the automatic HDR function of windows 11 and add the option to adjust the automatic HDR for the Xbox game bar to take care of the players who want to reduce the HDR intensity or turn off HDR. On the

标签: Xbox PC