新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《GTA 三部曲 最终版》PC版现已重新上架

《GTA 三部曲 最终版》PC版现已重新上架

The PC version of GTA trilogy final has been re launched

2021-11-15 11:16:23来源: 游戏时光

Rockstar 在前几日下架了《侠盗猎车手 三部曲 最终版》的 PC 版,并表示需要删除本不应该包含的文件。外媒报道,其中包含有理应去掉的版权过期音乐、开发者日志,甚至是「热咖啡」内容等,负责移植的制作组单纯只是禁用了这些文件。在经历了两天的调整,《侠盗猎车手 三部曲 最终版》现在已经重新上架 Rockstar Games 平台,并表示诚挚地歉意:我们诚挚地为带给大家的不便致歉,接下来会持续改进并更新游戏的整体表现。来源:Twitter

Rockstar removed the PC version of Grand Theft Auto trilogy final a few days ago and said that it was necessary to delete files that should not be included. Foreign media reported that it contained expired music, developer logs, and even "hot coffee" content that should be removed. The production team responsible for transplantation simply disabled these files. After two days of adjustment, "Grand Theft Auto trilogy final edition" has now been put on the Rockstar Games platform again, and we sincerely apologize: We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, and will continue to improve and update the overall performance of the game. Source: Twitter

标签: PC