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Square Enix与恩金合作推出《最终幻想7》NFT藏品

Square Enix cooperates with Enjin to launch the NFT collection of Final Fantasy 7

2022-07-21 11:04:02来源: 游戏时光

Square Enix 宣布与 NFT(非同质化货币)基础服务提供商 ENJIN(恩金)合作,推出《最终幻想7》的 NFT。和常见的 NFT 销售模式不同,本次《最终幻想7》25 周年纪念 NFT 捆绑在克劳德可动人物模型的豪华版中。玩家可以选择以 130 美元仅购买人物模型,也可以 150 美元购买捆绑了两个 NFT 兑换码的豪华版。在今年年末,该系列还将推出实体卡片,附有数字代码可兑换 NFT。本次的合作方,ENJIN,是一家注册在新加坡的游戏社区和 NFT 服务提供商,他们拥有自己的基于波卡链的区块链项目 Efinity,本次《最终幻想7》NFT 也将在该链上发布。外媒 The Verge 对此评论称,Square Enix 选择基于《最终幻想7》来推出 NFT 简直是莫大的讽刺,NFT 是一种消耗大量电

Square Enix announced to cooperate with Enjin, the basic service provider of NFT (non homogenous currency), to launch the NFT of Final Fantasy 7. Different from the common NFT sales mode, the NFT for the 25th anniversary of Final Fantasy 7 is bundled in the luxury version of Claude's movable character model. Players can choose to buy only character models for $130, or a luxury version bundled with two NFT exchange codes for $150. At the end of this year, the series will also launch physical cards with digital codes that can be exchanged for NFT. The partner of this time, Enjin, is a game community and NFT service provider registered in Singapore. They have their own blockchain project efinity based on Boca chain, and this "Final Fantasy 7" NFT will also be released on the chain. The verge, a foreign media, commented that square Enix chose to launch NFT based on Final Fantasy 7, which is a great irony. NFT consumes a lot of electricity

标签: 最终幻想