新关注 > 信息聚合 > PS4版《女神异闻录5R》无法升级至PS5版


PS4 version of "goddess hearsay 5R" cannot be upgraded to ps5 version

2022-07-21 11:20:18来源: 游戏时光

Atlus 在今日发布了《女神异闻录5 皇家版(P5R)》的常见问题解答,明确 PS4 版《女神异闻录5 皇家版》无法升级至 PS5 版。也就是说,如果你之前购买过 PS4 版的《P5R》,但现在想要游玩 PS5 版的《P5R》,只能再重新买一份 PS5 版的游戏。《女神异闻录5 皇家版》将会在 10 月 21 日登陆 PC、PS5、Switch、Xbox Series X|S 和 Xbox One 平台,首发加入 XGP,支持中文。游戏的 PS5 版和 NS 版将会有实体游戏。来源:Atlus

Atlus released the FAQ of "goddess's strange smell 5 Royal Edition (p5r)" today, making it clear that PS4 version "Goddess' strange smell 5 Royal edition" cannot be upgraded to ps5 version. In other words, if you have purchased PS4 version of p5r before, but now you want to play ps5 version of p5r, you can only buy another ps5 version of the game. The Royal version of Goddess 5 will be launched on PC, ps5, switch, Xbox series x|s and Xbox one platforms on October 21, and will be launched to join XGP, which supports Chinese. The ps5 and NS versions of the game will have physical games. Source: Atlus

标签: PS4 PS